Welome to Griswold Resurrected Relics!

We are giving previously precious possessions a second life!!

FULL Catalog

FULL Catalog

You can easily view our full catalog here!! 

Antique & Vintage Furniture

Antique & Vintage Furniture

At Griswold Resurrected Relics we believe in saving every piece of quality... 


We specialize in antique and vintage pieces but also carry more everyday items as well. We own a small family business here in Louisville, KY called Griswold Rubbish Removal. We believe that we are stewards to the environment and act as such. Our haulaway company works hard in keeping as much as possible out of landfills. We sort all incoming trailers into several different groups which include:
-Metal (of which we recycle).
-Donatables (including clothing & baby items of which we donate to various different Catholic charities).
-And lastly, the items you see here of which we sell to either be reused, repurposed, and/or restored.